
MAGicALL’s proprietary technology produces lightweight, compact and highly efficient motors and generators that are ideal for aerospace applications.
Aerospace Applications


MAGicALL’s proprietary technology produces compact, lightweight and highly efficient traction motors for hybrid and electric vehicle applications.
Automotive Applications

High Speed Blowers
high speed blowers

MAGicALL designs and produces custom motors and controls for blower applications.
High Speed Blowers Applications

Defense and Military

MAGicALL produces rugged, high performance motors and controls for defense applications.
Defense and Military Applications

Downhole drilling

MAGicALL produces motors it designs specifically for the rigors of downhole applications.
Downhole Applications

Energy Storage

MAGicALL’s proprietary technology produces cutting edge components for energy storage products, with unsurpassed power density and efficiency.
Energy Storage Applications


MAGicALL designs and produces custom generators and starter generators for coupling to any combustion engine type.
Gensets Applications


MAGicALL produces motors and motor drives for medical devices where exceptional performance is desired. Its proprietary technology results in compact, lightweight and highly efficient components.
Medical Applications


MAGicALL specializes in design and production of filter inductors for photovoltaic inverters.
Photovoltaics Applications


MAGicALL designs and produces custom motors, motor/generators and controls for high-speed turbine applications.
Turbomachinery Applications


MAGicALL designs and produces custom filter inductors for uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) with unsurpassed power density and efficiency.
UPS Applications

Wind Power
Wind Power

MAGicALL designs and produces custom generators for direct drive wind turbines that are up to 60% lighter and smaller than its competitors, and with higher efficiency.
Wind Power Applications